瞒着父亲(汤姆•汉克斯 Tom Hanks饰)从法学院辍学准备当作家的特洛伊•盖博(科林•汉克斯 Colin Hanks 饰)在报纸上看到一则征个人助理的广告,发现自己的未来老板竟然是曾经风靡一时的“伟大的巴克•霍华德”。巴克(约翰•马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)是个精神第一论者,能通过意念催眠、透视和寻找物品。他的神奇表演曾使他以嘉宾身份出席过61次NBC电视台约翰尼•卡森主持的《今夜脱口秀》节目。但随着时间的流逝,巴克千篇一律的表演方式逐渐失去魅力,目前只以巡回表演为生。特洛伊作为巴克的旅行经理人和个人助理,随着他在美国各州的乡间小镇上旅行演出,每到一处巴克都以“我热爱这个小镇”为开场白,且不论观众多寡,他都精心准备全力以赴。在媒体公关瓦莱莉(艾米丽•布朗特 Emily Blunt 饰)的帮助下,巴克突然阴差阳错的重回公众视线,并被邀至拉斯维加斯长期表演。可就在巴克命运扭转之际,另一件不可思议的怪事发生了……
Mehran Tamadon explores what it was like being interrogated by the Iranian regime by asking prisoners to reconstruct their experiences.
Alongside his companion film Where God Is Not, My Worst Enemy finds Tamadon shifting focus from the interrogated to the interrogator. The filmmaker sought an individual who had been interrogated by Iranian authorities in order to draw on their experiences to play an interrogator. The role finally fell to the Cannes-winning lead actor of Holy Spider, Zar Amir Ebrahimi. Together in an anonymous room, with Tamadon stripped to his underwear, they reconstruct the interrogation process, which gradually becomes an examination of the nature of power and coercion. The resulting film is intense and, at times, uncomfortable. And as it progresses, My Worst Enemy becomes an exploration of cinema’s relationship with its audience, questioning whether there is a limit to what it can show.
A seasoned Free Stalker tasked with guiding a band of Mercenaries deep into The Zone to investigate a paranormal radio signal. Based on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video-game series by G.S.C. Game World.