故事发生在十九世纪的纽约。奥斯汀医生(阿尔伯特·芬尼 Albert Finney 饰)事业有成,在华盛顿广场有着自己的房产,在当时,这就是人生成功的标志。身为奥斯汀的女儿,凯瑟琳(詹妮弗·杰森·李 Jennifer Jason Leigh 饰)对成功的父亲充满了崇拜,但是,对于女儿的平凡,奥斯汀感到十分的不满。
一位名叫莫里斯(本·卓别林 Ben Chaplin 饰)的青年男子出现在了凯瑟琳的身边,对这个单纯的女孩发动了热烈的攻势,不敌莫里斯的热情,凯瑟琳很快就沦陷了,彭尼曼夫人(玛吉·史密斯 Maggie Smith 饰)亦对这个仪表堂堂的男子感到十分满意。心中略感不安的只有奥斯汀一个人,因为他知道自己的女儿会在将来继承自己价值不菲的财产,这让他对莫里斯接近凯瑟琳的初衷产生了怀疑。
Mehran Tamadon explores what it was like being interrogated by the Iranian regime by asking prisoners to reconstruct their experiences.
Alongside his companion film Where God Is Not, My Worst Enemy finds Tamadon shifting focus from the interrogated to the interrogator. The filmmaker sought an individual who had been interrogated by Iranian authorities in order to draw on their experiences to play an interrogator. The role finally fell to the Cannes-winning lead actor of Holy Spider, Zar Amir Ebrahimi. Together in an anonymous room, with Tamadon stripped to his underwear, they reconstruct the interrogation process, which gradually becomes an examination of the nature of power and coercion. The resulting film is intense and, at times, uncomfortable. And as it progresses, My Worst Enemy becomes an exploration of cinema’s relationship with its audience, questioning whether there is a limit to what it can show.
A seasoned Free Stalker tasked with guiding a band of Mercenaries deep into The Zone to investigate a paranormal radio signal. Based on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video-game series by G.S.C. Game World.