泰恩是大名鼎鼎的商界大亨,和妻子结婚之后,他很快就有了四个孩子。泰恩是一个非常强势的父亲,孩子们不管是从事的职业还是感情的选择,泰恩都一手帮他们做主。在泰恩的操办之下,大儿子和三儿子都找到了他们门当户对的另一半,只有小儿子泰威特(卡尼·斯德里 Kanin Stanley 饰)选择了忤逆父亲的安排,他并不想像哥哥们一样跟随着父亲从事纺织业,他想要成为一名警察。
为了脱离父亲的控制,泰威特从家里搬了出来,来到了泰国东北部独自生活,在那里,他邂逅了名为法赛(普莉玛·邦查伦 Prima Bhuncharoen 饰)的女孩。泰威特向法赛隐瞒了自己的身世,这导致了法赛对他的不信任,两人之间误会丛生。
A seasoned Free Stalker tasked with guiding a band of Mercenaries deep into The Zone to investigate a paranormal radio signal. Based on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. video-game series by G.S.C. Game World.
On his incredible culinary adventure, Masterchef presenter and celebrity chef John Torode, will explore the Asian continent like never before. In each location, John will hunt down the most inspiring cooks, and discover the distinctive flavours of their country’s cuisine. Cooking on location with local chefs, each episode will see four sumptuous dishes created. Along the way, J...