This documentary series takes us onto the desks and into the lives of talented artists and animators. Each episode focuses on a single artist teaching us how to draw a single iconic character from a Walt Disney Animation Studios film.
Documentary telling the remarkable story of Donald Trump's family history, an extraordinary immigration success story. What can we learn about the next President of the United States from his background?
Ep1 The Coral City —— 旁白 Lucy Liu
Ep2 Glassmaker —— 旁白 Zoe Kravitz
Ep3 The Bird's Journey —— 旁白 Nicole Kidman
Ep4 Snowfall —— 旁白 Cillian Murphy
Ep5 Living Among Trees —— 旁白 Keanu Reeves
Ep6 The Great Beyond —— 旁白 Idris Elba
Ep7 Noodles —— 旁白 Oscar Isaac
Ep8 A Horse's Tale —— 旁白 Kate Winslet
Ep9 The Gift of Chocolate —— 旁白 Priyank...